Thursday 29 May 2014

Second Post Alert!

Well this is officially my second post! I remember I spent so long on my first post and didn't want it to be too generic just something simple and a way for you to have a small insight into me and what I get up to! Many of you may think it's no biggy, it's only my second post, but to me it's really exciting...kind of like a start of a whole new adventure. This blog is something that I have wanted to do for so long but have either never really had the courage or blamed it on not having enough time! Well now I do have the courage and I will make the time and I hope that once I get into it you enjoy reading it! Remember I am new to this so please do bare with me!

Realistically this is a lifestyle blog, but I am also massively into fashion (yes a shopaholic...who isn't?) a complete beauty of those people that doesn't need to run out of makeup before purchasing more, because when something new and exciting appears or you read a review about a new foundation you absolutely MUST try it, it's a need not a want! I have a draw full of makeup (I like to have a choice!) another huge part of my life is music, I honestly couldn't imagine life without it. My mum is a huge music fan and I was always brought up with it so she has been a massive influence on me and my taste. By the time I was four I knew all the words to Tom Petty - Wildflowers, off by heart! I'm not fussy on genres, I like everything, my taste completely varies so there will be a few music suggestions for you as well! I also eventually hope to have some food and restaurant reviews, as I mention in my 'about' section my boyfriend Alex is a chef and a bloody good one at that! (Me on the other hand...not so much, I do make delicious chocolate brownies though!) We do like to go out and try new places when we can so if we visit a winner I will be sure to let you know. I'm warning you now, there could be cat updates...yes you read that right! My lovely, pain in the *** cat - Noodle. To say she was a character and has a personality would be an understatement. Also very much a bit of a snob! Over all this blog is exactly what it says in the title...Me and My Wonderland and I hope you all enjoy being a part of it.

The one and only - Nood
Alex's beautiful food

In other news...I am actually having a bit of a refurb, which is also very exciting...a complete overhaul! I want everything about my blog to express my personality and really show people who I am not just through my writing and pictures. I think that when you open a blog the design really makes a difference to how you first perceive it. Any of you out there looking for the same should really check out the website I visited,  the lady, Stephanie has created the most beautiful templates that when I saw them instantly fell in love with and knew I would find something perfect. When mine is up I hope that you like it and if you do check out her lovely website and contact her if you fancy a change!

Anyway, bye for now and happy Thursday :)

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