Thursday, 29 May 2014

Second Post Alert!

Well this is officially my second post! I remember I spent so long on my first post and didn't want it to be too generic just something simple and a way for you to have a small insight into me and what I get up to! Many of you may think it's no biggy, it's only my second post, but to me it's really exciting...kind of like a start of a whole new adventure. This blog is something that I have wanted to do for so long but have either never really had the courage or blamed it on not having enough time! Well now I do have the courage and I will make the time and I hope that once I get into it you enjoy reading it! Remember I am new to this so please do bare with me!

Realistically this is a lifestyle blog, but I am also massively into fashion (yes a shopaholic...who isn't?) a complete beauty of those people that doesn't need to run out of makeup before purchasing more, because when something new and exciting appears or you read a review about a new foundation you absolutely MUST try it, it's a need not a want! I have a draw full of makeup (I like to have a choice!) another huge part of my life is music, I honestly couldn't imagine life without it. My mum is a huge music fan and I was always brought up with it so she has been a massive influence on me and my taste. By the time I was four I knew all the words to Tom Petty - Wildflowers, off by heart! I'm not fussy on genres, I like everything, my taste completely varies so there will be a few music suggestions for you as well! I also eventually hope to have some food and restaurant reviews, as I mention in my 'about' section my boyfriend Alex is a chef and a bloody good one at that! (Me on the other hand...not so much, I do make delicious chocolate brownies though!) We do like to go out and try new places when we can so if we visit a winner I will be sure to let you know. I'm warning you now, there could be cat updates...yes you read that right! My lovely, pain in the *** cat - Noodle. To say she was a character and has a personality would be an understatement. Also very much a bit of a snob! Over all this blog is exactly what it says in the title...Me and My Wonderland and I hope you all enjoy being a part of it.

The one and only - Nood
Alex's beautiful food

In other news...I am actually having a bit of a refurb, which is also very exciting...a complete overhaul! I want everything about my blog to express my personality and really show people who I am not just through my writing and pictures. I think that when you open a blog the design really makes a difference to how you first perceive it. Any of you out there looking for the same should really check out the website I visited,  the lady, Stephanie has created the most beautiful templates that when I saw them instantly fell in love with and knew I would find something perfect. When mine is up I hope that you like it and if you do check out her lovely website and contact her if you fancy a change!

Anyway, bye for now and happy Thursday :)

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Bank Holiday Weekend

Firstly I want to say hello, welcome to Me And My Wonderland and thank you for visiting!

I don't know about anyone else, but I have definitely been enjoying this influx of long weekends recently...unfortunately the one we have just had is the last for a while now, and Tuesday came around far too quickly! Back to work and back to reality and it feels as if we didn't even have time off! (I came back to 157 I think we should all propose 3 day weekends and 4 day weeks?! I spent some much needed time with the better half, friends and family. I live close to Greenwich which is a really beautiful part of London, it almost doesn't feel as if you are in London, loads of green and when the sun is shining it's a really lovely place to spend time and relax.

The view from Greenwich Park
We even managed to sit by the river when the tide was out, like a little beach in London, I wasn't to keen on paddling in the Thames though! As an original country bumpkin (both me and my boyfriend are from Dorset) it is really nice to feel like you have a bit of home away from home, the beach is the one place I miss the most...

Feet are back in the sand :)
Our London Beach...not too bad eh?

Although I do miss the countryside I have completely fallen in love with London and can't imagine leaving, when Alex and I first came we went through 3 stages... Stage 1: being crazy excited to move here and loving everything about it - we wanted to see as much as we could and invite everyone to come and visit. Stage 2: Hating everything about it - the people EVERYWHERE, the underground - there is always delays and closures when you are in a rush and taking the tube in general is exercise in itself, the fact that you literally have no money and notice the cat is eating better than you are (I'm not even joking) and personal space being a distant memory...but then we got to our final stage: finding our place in London life and loving everything about it, even the underground.

So wherever you spent it and whoever you spent it with, I hope you all enjoyed your long weekends (apologies to those who had to work) and here's to a 4 day week! xxx